Difference Between Bias And Perception

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Every day we tell our friends about stories that has happened throughout our live and there is also someone who has also been there to experience that event with you and sometime you hear them say “that wasn’t how it happened” and this is due to each of our different perceptions. The perception is a process that makes sensory patterns meaningful. To put this in simpler terms I believe that perception is the way we use our senses to become aware of our surroundings. The way we perceive a situation may vary for each person and this could be due to a number of things. One thing that can affect the way we use our perception is bias. Bias is a tendency to think a certain way. It is not the same as perception because it is a tendency, or predisposition …show more content…

Bias is less of a deep process it is more of a preference tool. Bias and Perceptions both affect the way we make decisions and the way we behave but they affect our decision making and behavior in very different ways. For example, bias effects our behavior by holding on to our preferences, and beliefs it completely disregards discordant data or knowledge. It may cause us to act rashly in a situation because of the information we retained from a similar event or it can cause us to act calmly. Our bias actions can be traced using one of the six perspective in psychology which is a biological perspective because sometimes our biased views and actions are instilled in us from a young age and we aren’t aware of it. The biological perspective can show how our biased thoughts or actions originated from our biological roots. It can prove that the way our parents view, think things, and act in a situation can be similar to the way we think, view topics, and react in …show more content…

One thing that stood out to me and left a huge imprint was that aggression no matter how simple or how strong always makes a person feel invisible. But it is clear to me that aggression isn’t an action or feeling we know initially like happiness it is something that is taught to us by others we associate ourselves with. Therefore, I believe that the idea of aggression also roots form a biological perspective. It is my strong belief that it is a biological perspective because aggression can be linked to bias and bias is not something we are born knowing, it is something that we are taught from family, friends, and society. When this bias is taught with a vigorous passion it can trickle down and cause a person to carry these heavy emotions and act in a certain type of way because of their predisposed ideas and knowledge of that person, situation, or idea. Which ultimately leads to making a person feeling invisible. In conclusion, this gallery visit has shown me how much our biological perspective influences us. It influences our conscious and unconscious actions, thoughts and feeling and it in return can cause us to act aggressively towards thing, ideas or even people who don’t fit in with the standards in our minds which can finally create a much larger issue than people can handle which finally can cause more pain to other than we