Florida Supreme Court Standing Committee On Fairness And Diversity

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4.4 Bias According to the Florida Supreme Court Standing Committee on Fairness and Diversity (n.d.), bias is a point of view or even an attitude that colors judgment. It is an internal belief of one person and it can be called bias if it is acted out in a speech andhat the other people receive its impact. It is also a tendency to view things or people in a definite way. The Florida Supreme Court Standing Committee on Fairness and Diversity (n.d.) also contend that people’s views depend on their biases on whom side they will take. They may see one thing in a positive way or vice versa. In addition, the Florida Supreme Court Standing Committee on Fairness and Diversity (n.d.) provided seven ways to recognize the biases of judges in courts. These are: (1) When a judge view a case as unworthy when the persons involved are not proficient in English language. …show more content…

(3) Giving lesser support someone who is not paying the bills of the legal proceedings. (4) When the Judge did not inform the juries on how to eliminate bias in decision making. (5) When the comments of the judge obviously do not treat the witness or witnesses in a case fairly and in a respectful manner. (6) When the judge considers a witness as unimportant or non-reliable. (7) And lastly, stress, time constraints and lack of accountability triggers the bias of a judge. Public Trust in the Supreme Court 50 Hence, even the judges in courts can be biased to circumstances as well. In fact, the Florida Supreme Court Standing Committee on Fairness and Diversity (n.d.) contends that bias cannot be prohibited especially in the realm of politics.

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