Biblical Lens Essay On Abortion

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Is a fetus a person? Abortion is viewed through different lenses in society. The only lens that makes sense and people should view any topic of discussion through is the biblical lens. However, many points have been made throughout history to justify this terrible act. There are seven specific points that are at the center of abortion rights. There are also biblical points that clearly contradict the justification for abortion. A woman has the right to do with her body whatever she chooses. A woman believes that she should be the one to make the decision to have the baby or terminate the pregnancy. She feels that her body is her property and knows what is best. According to the book, pro-life and pro-choice views are different in the way the …show more content…

Abortion will not heal or make the problem disappear, but it can bring more harm to the women. The child should not be seen as a lifelong reminder of the rapist; rather, they are a unique creation of God. The book interprets Psalms 139:13-16 as “which shows that God is intimately involved in forming the unborn child” (Rae, 2018, p. 134). The unborn baby is a blessing in disguise. Restrictive Abortion Laws Discriminate against Poor Women. Women feel discriminated against because they do not have the financial support to travel to another state that does legal abortions. Poor women who cannot afford an abortion should be provided with an affordable and certified physician to keep them safe. From a Christian perspective, women who are financially struggling should be provided with free care for themselves and their babies. Nowadays, there are many ways that women can find a solution without having an abortion. They can put the baby up for adoption, and the agency can pay for all their medical and support them financially until the baby is born. Also, there are agencies that help the mom and baby with their needs by providing them with baby supplies or …show more content…

Some people believe that a fetus starts becoming a person at the time of conception, some when the fetus starts to develop a heartbeat or brain, and some when they are born. According to the book, “Embryology shows us that from conception forward, embryos are living human beings” (Rae, 2018, p. 147). There are three decisive moments to determine if a fetus is a person: viability, brain development, sentience, birth, and implantation. This determination of personhood concerning the fetus is very important because this would stop abortion and provide protection for the fetus. One of the observations made was that EEG from a fetus to a dead person. According to the book, “The brain of the developing fetus is only temporarily nonfunctional. Its electroencephalogram (EEG) is only temporarily flat, whereas the EGG of the dead person’s brain is permanently flat. In addition, the embryo from the point of conception has all the necessary capacities to develop full brain activity” (Rae, 2018, p. 146). People do not want to recognize a fetus as a person because that would make them feel responsible and feel guilty for their actions. The story of Jesus highlights and proves that a fetus is a person from the time of conception. When the angel talks to Mary about the good news of how she is going to conceive a son, His name should be Jesus. The incarnation of Jesus in Mary's womb is an illustration that proves the fetus is a human being. All humans