Opposing Views On Abortion By Judith Jarvis Thomson

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When it comes to abortion, a lot can be said. More specifically, author and philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson takes her own stand on abortion, saying it is morally permissible to get abortions. Morally, I disagree with her stance on this. The reason I think this way is because I feel that there were other options open to us, than the main one being abortion. These other options, I feel are better and have better outcomes for the child than abortion. Another reason is that aborting a child could mena getting rid of our future generations and what more could come along with that. Religiously speaking, because I am Christian, abortion is wrong and I do not agree with it. Thomson starts her argument by explaining that a line need to be drawn with abortions. She explains that we need to be able to draw a line between when a child is considered a human being and when they are not. Thomson continues her argument by saying that we cannot deny that the fetus eventually becomes a human. Around 10 weeks, she says, is when the fetus starts to develop arms, legs, face, toes, etc. But when talking about a newly fertilized egg, which is a big clump of cells, she says is comparable to an acorn on a tree. With that being …show more content…

I say this because my first thought for me if not to kill the baby. My first thought is that I am going to have this baby, and if I do not want the baby, then there is always adoption. If I were to bring religion into this because I am religious, I would feel an immense amount of conviction if I were to have an abortion, even outside of rape. I am not one to judge someone and tell them that what they are doing is wrong. With that being said, I do not care if someone were to get an abortion, but I will not. I also do not think that I can make laws that force people to do certain things to their bodies because I cannot control their