Biblical Worldview Essay

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Yes, upon reading this week lesson it speaks about the world was created about four thousand years ago. God put this world together in six days with all kinds and species of all thing that were to exist in it. Shirley gives an example of how the world looked to her. She mentioned everything was in a bowl. The earth even was perceived to be a flat disk with the mountains and valleys. She sees the sky hovering over the earth in the bowl and below the earth sit the oceans( 145).
Out of the middle east came or at least near it plants and animals were created. In that same event, human beings were created also. Natural Sciences such as astronomy, biology, and geology has questions like how did the world come into existence. They want to know how …show more content…

Nothing about the Bible reads like a science textbook and it is not to be taken as one. God is our creator and how He made it come into existence can be found in the first book of the Old Testament Genesis. God made all of the universe. Blaming the Bible for what has happened to the natural world is ridiculous. Although it is not just one class of people that has turned our world into something that is decaying away. We are all to blame at least some Christians feel like that (Guthrie, Shirley 148).
Only one God created the world He is our Creator of everything. He makes the stars in the sky, the moon God hung it there, also cause the sun to rise and set. Classical Christian theology formulated the doctrine of God’s good creation out of nothing. Biblical Christian faith tells them about the power of evil at work in the world to come up against God. The power evil has he tries to destroy those good things of God (Guthrie, Shirley 152).
The doctrine of providence is an extension of the doctrine of creation. God that made the heavens and earth and rule over us all and He continues to uphold, protect, rule over, take care of and provide all of our needs. Guthrie book says how can Christians be so naïve to think God is so loving and the world has so many problems. It says a God that is either able to take care of us or do God really care about the people

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