Bilbo Baggins Chapter Summary Of The Hobbit

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Bilbo Baggins is a short, friendly and celebratory hobbit, who lives in a hobbit-hole, in Hobbiton, the Shire. He likes to smoke tobacco, have multiple meals a day and live a quiet life. But his story really begins when Gandalf the Grey, a wizard, walks past his home. He asks Bilbo if he was willing to accompany him on his adventure. Bilbo politely declines, not wanting to have his peaceful life interrupted. The next day, however, it is. Before breakfast, he has fourteen visitors, thirteen of which are unmannered dwarves. Gandalf announces he chose Bilbo to be his burglar for the dwarves’ expedition. Thorin Oakenshield, the leader, explains that they will be heading to the Lonely Mountain to reclaim their homeland. The will have to fight the dragon Smaug and to do that, they will need a burglar. The rest of the night the company sang and ate until all fell asleep.

Chapter 2: Roast Mutton …show more content…

He had turned down their request to be their burglar, but did consider it for a while. He finds a note which contains his ‘terms of employment’. The dwarves told him to meet them at an inn at 11 am sharp. Gandalf suggests he’d hurry and the two of them join Oakenshield and his kin. It isn’t long until it starts to rain and Bilbo notices the wizard is gone. The company faces a light in all the darkness surrounding them so they send out the hobbit to investigate further. He discovers a campfire accompanied by three large trolls. One of them sees Bilbo and in his panicked state he tells the trolls he is not alone. Soon enough, the dwarves are captured in nasty smelly sacks. Bilbo has escaped into a tree, when Gandalf arrived. The wizard started an argument with the trolls, which made them bicker with each other. The sun rises and the ugly trolls turn into stone. Gandalf and Bilbo free the dwarves and the company explores the troll’s