Bill Bateman Chief Executive Summary

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Bill Bateman Chief Executive Officer of Peninsula Hotel chain first or most important responsibility in this situation is securing/making sure of the best deal for his company. The second responsibility is making sure the company in which he represents is not being taken advantage of. Bill Bateman third responsibility is looking for and chasing after businesses which have a history of treating their customers with respect and fair dealings. As far as his responsibility towards UWEAR he is responsible for letting them know that he is accepting other offers as well as informing them of what the other offers are. Bill is responsibilities in the end lie with the organization in which he works for and take all and any opinions about what could or should be done about a situation in which the board of directors make/give and which allows his company to improve as much as possible their dollar and make as big as possible their …show more content…

This is due to the fact of the money-saving strain UWEAR is now facing after the merger of the company with PALEDENIM. UWEAR is possibly looking at downsizing which means cut backs and layoffs for the company. I think that Joe should pitch an Idea to upper level management after the merger about finding and decide/figure out if there are different products or another product line that could be offered to the Peninsula Hotel at a discounted price. Joe can do his very careful accounting review as a friend and a sales representative and research the products offered that are new since the merger of a different quality makes a list of product and price and pitch his proposal to management for approval. Joe should also inform management that Peninsula Hotel chain accounts for 50% of his targeted sales area and the loss of the contract would prove terrible and destructive to the company. In addition