Bill Clinton Accomplishments

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In Bill Clinton’s presidency he had a huge role in the Middle East getting countries to stop fighting. He was trying to create peace in the Middle East. He was called a peace maker. The side he was on was Israel’s since The US is a part of the UN and they are do ones who helped give Israel to them. One of his many accomplishments during this time was Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty.
Conflict between Israel and Palestine has been going on since 1948. When Israel was created. Bill Clinton is on Israel’s side because he thinks that they deserve the lands that used to belong to them. But he did not want war to start. Because they gave the Jews there rightful lands. He wanted it to be peaceful. Since this happened all the Arab countries were on Palestine’s …show more content…

This conference was the opening of a new beginning to bill Clinton he asked Israel and Egypt to come to Camp David. What we know happened Camp David is they had two conversations one was about Israel and Egypt to try to make peace between the two countries. And it works they came to an agreement and they treaty was ratified as the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. The Camp David talk was the goal towards peace in the Middle East. This was one of Bill Clinton’s big accomplishments during this crisis in the Middle …show more content…

But the white house thinks it would be rejected right away by Israel and there is a little bit of tension between US and Israel because US demand that Israel halt settlement construction in the west bank and east Jerusalem. Palestinians also think that’s their territory. Mr. Clinton thinks if they don’t ask or get rejected it will make them look weak. And if they don’t listen to the US they never will so he thinks they shouldn’t take no as an answer. But ultimately it is the white house and Obama’s decision if they do that. Another idea Mr. Clinton had was to get all the other surrounding Arab countries to help them it might make the conflicts stop or they will listen to the US OR UN if they see other Arab countries working with