Blood Brothers Play Analysis

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The Gateway Academy Drew Wooderson Blood Brothers Unit 2 Blood Brothers is a play that is made and wrote by Willy Russell There are lots of characters in blood brothers such as Mrs Lyons, Mr Lyons, Mrs Johnston, Sammy Johnston, Edward Lyons and Linda. All of these characters play a big role in the play for example mickey and Edward are set as eight year old kids and Sammy is set as a ten year old, Linda likes to tag along and hang around with the boys, we portrayed them by using good characterisation and by projecting our voices. During the play of blood brothers We had to use Drama strategies for example we used freeze frame, mime, multi-role, thought track and In order to get a higher mark and to make it look better, we …show more content…

Class divide: class divide is the difference between classes like a lower class person cannot afford much clothes and are very dirty, middle class people can afford clothes and is still a little bit dirty whereas upper class people can afford what they want when they want and they are very clean. During the play of blood brothers Mrs Lyons adopts one of Mrs Johnston’s children which turns out to be Edward, the other child turns out to be mickey, eventually mickey and Edward meet and both find out they they’re twins this is when they both decide to cut their hands and become blood brothers Marilyn Monroe got married at the age of 16 which is very young for any person to get married she became very famous and made 29 movies which made her even more famous, it was a hard life for Marilyn Monroe because her foster parents were very strict and very posh, she had foster parents because her mother had been put into a mental hospital. Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926 and died in 1962 which nobody expected this was an unexpected …show more content…

Nature Verses Nurture this means the way you were born and the way that you did things or it could also mean the environment for example the things around you and what you do. Love And Marriage is the love triangle between Mickey Linda and Edward These Three are always together and are very much in love. The narrator is a very important role to the script because he is the one that speaks when people enter when people depart and when something funny, exiting or scary happens, the narrator can also be very sarcastic and annoying but at the same time he is very joyful and funny. Mr Lyons is hardly in the play and you can tell this because in the book it says that Mrs Lyons Adopts one of Mrs Johnston’s Babies and pretends that it is actually hers Mr Lyons Believes her but little does Mrs Lyons know but Mr Lyons is cheating on