Blood Glucose Test Lab Report

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Blood glucose test or monitoring is a quantitative test. This test used to measure the amount of sugar in the blood. This test is usually done by an individual who suffers from diabetes to determine and monitor their daily blood glucose level. This test is a good way in order to determine the patient’s type of treatment and also determine the level of blood glucose either too high or low. A research done by the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial done in 1993 showed that blood glucose monitoring led to lesser complications in disease. An individual with diabetes should conduct this test several times a day depending on doctor’s recommendation to determine the type of dietary intake and also treatment that should be done. (Dudekula AB, …show more content…

For instance, after ingestion of a meal, the blood glucose level rises, which causes the beta cells of pancreas to secrete insulin. There are many effects of insulin such as increases the cellular rate of glucose utilization as an energy source, it stimulates most body cells to increase their rate of glucose uptake (transport) from the blood, it stimulates fat synthesis (from glucose) in liver cells and adipose (fat) tissue and accelerates the formation of glycogen from glucose in liver and skeletal muscle cells. This affects will later then decrease the blood glucose level to normal …show more content…

The range of BMI also depends on age and also diseases suffered by an individual. Based on CDC, BMI is not the diagnostic tool to determine whether the individual is underweight, normal or obese. It should be measured based on body fat percentage and overall health risk. Based on BMI range, an individual is considered overweight if their BMI is 25 to 29.9. This increases the risk of diseases especially cardiovascular diseases. However, the BMI range for elderly individuals are different.
Based on a study conducted by Yale in 2001, using the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's U.S. Clinical Guidelines it is found that there is no correlation between elderly individuals who is mildly overweight with increased mortality. Based on the studies, individuals who are overweight has lower mortality rate compared to individuals with normal BMI. It is then concluded that general BMI range differs between adults and elderly individuals. Based on another latest study done at The Ohio University in Columbus , a slight overweight in elderly individuals increases the rate of survival by 16 years compared to elderly with normal range of