Two key components of the human body, blood pressure and heart rate, are crucial to determining how healthy a person is. Blood pressure, or the pressure of the blood in the cardiovascular system, is crucial in the human body, because it is the main transportation system that travels to and from cells. Heart rate is the speed of the heartbeat measured by beats per minute. The nervous system and brain contributes to upholding these two critical areas by monitoring and controlling them. The brain and nervous system are able to control both the heart rate and blood pressure due to the two carotid sinuses, that are located in the right and left carotids, and the aortic arch. The nerve endings on the outer layer of both the carotid sinuses and the aortic arch form two different nerves, which are known as baroreceptors. Baroreceptors, or receptors for pressure, send information concerning what is happening in blood vessels, particularly about stretch. The more pressure in blood vessels, the more they stretch. These pressure receivers send multiple signals to the Medulla oblongata and brainstem. The number of signals sent during normal stress levels determines that the blood pressure of a person is normal. Under stressful situations, a person’s blood pressure will increase, and thus, the number of signals that are sent to the brain will be less that …show more content…
Epinephrine, otherwise known as adrenaline, is a hormone secreted by a small gland above the kidney. This hormone will typically constrict when it acts on the arteries, but will dilate on certain ones. Epinephrine makes the heart beat faster and stronger. The sinoatrial (SA) node is one of the major elements in the cardiovascular system because it is the heart’s natural pacemaker. The SA node creates electrical impulses throughout the heart muscle, activating the heart’s ability to contract and pump