The Basic Facts of High Blood Pressure
The heart is a tough operating mechanism which moves blood around the body through a very advanced system called arteries and capillaries; the blood is then carried back to the heart by means of veins. Blood pressure is the thrust of this blood in the body pushing up against the inside walls of the arteries as the heart is pumping.
high blood pressure, systolic, diastolic, heart
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The heart is a tough operating mechanism which moves blood around the body through a very advanced system called arteries and capillaries; the blood is then carried back to the heart by means of veins. Blood pressure is the thrust of this blood in the body pushing up against the inside walls of the arteries
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When the blood pressure is high, the heart has to work more to get the blood through your arteries. These then take a beating from having the blood pressured into them, and the danger of a stroke, heart attack, or even kidney troubles then become that much of a greater risk.
High blood pressure is a serious disease because it has the heart working much harder. If the heart has to work harder for extended periods, it will become large. If the heart is slightly enlarged, it can and should still work alright, but if it becomes greatly enlarged it won't work alright. High blood pressure can also cause damage to the arteries which can lead to arterial disease.
The higher the blood pressure is the more risk you have of acquiring heart disease and stroke. This means somebody with a blood pressure of 130/80 mmHg is at greater risk than someone with a blood pressure of 120/70 mmHg. And is the reason it is so important for all to lead a wholesome lifestyle to make sure their blood pressure is as low and as healthy as it can be.
If you put up with Hypertension, it can be treated. Modest cases of Hypertension can usually be treated through lifestyle changes such as the diet, or increasing the workout levels. Some find dropping weight is all that is needed to lower their high blood