Bloodstain Investigation Essay

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When documenting bloodstain evidence, note taking skills are a must when you come into contact with the bloodstain evidence. A very detailed description of the physical characteristics of the pattern analysis such as the size, distribution, location, shape, surface texture, and physical features of each individual stains and the overall patterns, are very important. When documenting the bloodstain evidence, another method would be to include measuring devices within the photographs, such as a ruler or scale. This method accurately measures the bloodstain and taking photographs of each measurement within the bloodstain, documents those measurements. When documenting bloodstain evidence, just one mechanisms is not enough, using several mechanism for documentation are needed, such as …show more content…

There are some of the classic patterns such as directionality, cast-off bloodstains, swipe marks, pattern transfer, saturation, arterial patterns, drip patterns and other examples of bloodstain dynamics, which should be noted and documented by the crime scene investigator, when at the scene. (Bloodstain Pattern Analysis). (n.d.). Recording the bloodstain patterns, in the scene, is one of the important documentation of the investigation. This documentation of the investigation should be accomplished before anything is touched or moved at the scene. (Bloodstain Pattern Analysis). (n.d.). When taking photographs, take photos of the overall scene, followed by medium range and close-up views of the bloodstain patterns. A scale of measure or ruler, should be included with the close-up photographs, because of camera perspective and distortion, do not always depict the exact location in which objects are situated or the relation of one object to another. (Bloodstain Pattern

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