Blueberries Research Paper

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LONG-LIVED AND DEPENDABLE, blueberries are among the easiest fruits to grow organically. Different species are native to various regions of North America, but you can grow some type of blueberry bush almost anywhere. The limiting factor is soil acidity: except for saskatoons, blueberries require acidic soil with a pH below 5.0. Blueberries can also be grown in containers filled with an acidic bark-based planting mix.

healthy berries, as well as stunning red and orange fall foliage.


Lowbush blueberries are native to colder parts of North America. The compact bushes can be grown as an edible hedge or groundcover, even in partial shade, and they bear delicious berries that hold on the plants for a long time.

Northern …show more content…

Young blueberry plants need an abundance of organic matter in the soil’s shallowest layers. Most soils should be amended with 4 inches of acidic organic matter such as rotted sawdust or leaf compost. Preparing the site in fall will help the organic matter settle into the soil, which will enhance transplant survival in spring. If your soil’s natural pH ranges between 5.5 and 6.0, you can further acidify it by top-dressing with soil sulfur twice a year. In areas with soil pH levels above 6.0, grow blueberries in large containers filled with a wood chip– or bark based planting mixture.

Spacing recommendations for growing blueberries range from 12 inches between plants for lowbush blueberries to 12 feet between saskatoons. Allow 4 feet between highbush blueberry plants and 6 feet between rabbiteyes. Set plants at the same depth they grew in their pots. Water thoroughly, and mulch the soil’s surface with at least 2 inches of acidic mulch such as wood chips. Cut back to ground level all but the two most vigorous upright shoots.


In addition to choosing a type of blueberry that suits your climate, plan to grow at least three plants of different yet compatible varieties. Local nurseries may offer ensembles of compatible varieties within the same species group.
