Blueberry Persuasive Research Paper

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The city of Blueberry is in desperate need of help. Each day over forty people are killed. Most of these incidents involve innocent people who simply decided to take a walk around the neighborhood at the wrong time, or a child who decided to go the playground at the wrong time. Not only is the crime rate outrageous; the amount of residents living in poverty is also high. The education system lacks proper funds, and struggles to keep teachers in the area. “Merchants are afraid to open stores, and there is little outside development from major retailers or manufactures.” (pg.163) The residents of Blueberry may have lost all hope for change; however with this proposal I have a solution. In order to revitalize the city of Blueberry, I have created …show more content…

After the weapons and drugs have been collected; these individuals will receive housing in a gated community. Each community will have security checkpoints to search for any weapons, or drugs. There will be a drastic improvement in the crime rate after all weapons and drugs have been collected. For those individuals who refuse to surrender their weapons, or drugs they will not have a place to live or food to eat. With the implementation of the trade system there will be less homicides committed by the use of guns, or knifes. The chance of residents being shot by stray bullets is also less likely. Each gated community will have its own Walmart, Dollar Store, fast food restaurants; such as, McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc. These merchants will provide the residents a place to purchase food, clothing, personal necessities, etc. In order to combat world hunger all residents will be given a SNAP+ card to assists with the purchase of groceries, and clothing. The monthly allowance given to each resident will depend on the size of the household. An income-based daycare will also be available for residents with

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