Bonhoeffer Contribution

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I believe that Dietrich Bonhoeffer is the most influential man in Church history because he devoted his life to Christ at the age of 14, attempted to assassinate Hitler, and wrote the book, “ The Cost of Discipleship.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born on February 4 of 1906 in Breslau, Germany. His father was a Psychiatry professor, well known for his opposition of the T4 Program initiated by Hitler to eradicate people who were physically or mentally challenged. This may have been where Bonhoeffers strong hostility towards Hitler stemmed from. At the young age of 14, Bonhoeffer dedicated his life to learning more about Christ. Before deciding that he wanted to study theology, Dietrich considered becoming a pianist. In 1923, Dietrich Bonhoeffer began to attend theology seminars at the University of Berlin. After many years of studying, he became a theology lecturer at the University of Berlin in 1931. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was influential on Christianity because of his numerous works and writings. As Nazi powers began to grow more, Bonhoeffer became more and more of a prominent figure in the fight against Hitler. As many protesters were being silenced, Bonhoeffer and his associates formed the Confessing Church in 1934. The Confessing Church was created as a church that was independent of the Nazi state. Many other churches had become corrupt by the state. In their formation, the Confessing Church wrote the Barmen Declaration stating, "We repudiate the false teaching that the church