
Book Report On The Pigman By Paul Zindel

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“The Pigman” by Paul Zindel was a snooze fest with a horrible ending, that should never have been published. The book takes place in the 1970’s in a typical suburbs, with what you would expect from the 70’s. John Conlan, a sophomore in high school, that is a rebellious teenage boy who drinks and fights with his parents. Lorraine Jensen, a sophomore in high school, a self conscientious teenage girl, who is constantly told her deficinces by her hard working mother. Mr. Pigman is dead, so Lorraine and John are writing a memorial for him and they recap his death. It all started when John and Lorraine were playing a game, where they call random people in the phone book. Lorraine called Mr. Pigman and started talking, John then took the phone

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