
Book Review: When You Reach Me By Rebecca Stead

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50,000 or less is 1 book Reading Response #1 Book # 1 # Words: 39253 Date: August 10, 2016 Title: When You Reach Me Author: Rebecca Stead Genre ~ Non-Fiction / Fiction Type: Mystery Opening Sentence: So Mom got the postcard today. Favourite word / phrase / sentence: Common sense is just a name for the way we're used to thinking Vocabulary (with part of speech) and new terms with definition: Obstruct: block, to be in the way of verb Omen: an event regarded as a portent of good or evil noun Fundamental: forming a necessary base adj Nasal: relating to the nose adj Repulsive: arousing intense distaste or disgust …show more content…

Although, at the end of the book some of your questions remain unanswered. One question that stayed in my head was: Is friendship meant to change? There were many plot twists in the book which made the book a real page turner and constantly made me on the edge of my seat awaiting for the story to evolve. The book felt as though beyond the story there was a deeper meaning connected to the plot and morals to be taught. Such as friendships are strong and they can change people. An example of this happening in the book is when Julia left a rose for Annemarie. It showed that Julia cared for Annemarie and missed their friendship. Another moral I learned after reading the book is that curiosity is extremely powerful, it can lead you to do many things outside of your control. When Marcus hit Sal it was all because of curiosity. Curiosity can lead you to do things that may lead to an adventure or can lead you to do things that will change yours or someone else’s life. After Marcus hit Sal, Sal’s life changed as well as Miranda. Overall I really enjoyed the book because the book pushed you to think. I think the book could be interpreted in many different ways and many different types of morals could be taken …show more content…

I really enjoyed reading the book because of the how passionate Ada was even when she had a dissbility. The author, Kimberly Bradley, also did a fascinating job of showing Ada’s confusion of love and hate. I like how the author makes teh reader feel sympathy for Ada which often makes the reader root for Ada. As the reader you feel Ada’s struggle Reading Response #6 Book # 4 # Words: 36627 Date: Oct 3 Title: Messenger Author: Lois Lowry Genre ~ Non-Fiction / Fiction Type: Fantasy Opening Sentence: Matty was impatient to have supper preparations over and done with Favourite word / phrase / sentence: Maybe everyone can live beyond what they're capable

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