
Book Summary: The Hate You Give By Angie Thomas

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The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas is a very emotional novel. In 2017 many black people were getting pulled over or killed for reasons people believe is just because they are people of color. The book talks about this topic in depth. A 17 year old black boy named Khalil got pulled over for a “broken tail light” and for “speeding.” The cop, Officer Brian Cruise Jr. and Khalil were both being hostile towards each other. At the end of this horrible incident Khalil ended up getting shot in the back three times. The Hate You Give was read by the whole class and then we turned it into a trail. People had the roles or lawyer, jury, and witness. The trail started with the plaintiff and defense stating their opening statements. Then the plaintiff called …show more content…

First up went Officer Beltrami. She talked about the protocol you go through when pulling someone over. Then she answered the question to if you see someone reaching of something you should address the situation and act upon what you think is best. When the plaintiff asked their questions they wanted to know when it is appropriate to shoot at someone and how common is it to be shoot at when pulling someone over for just a broken tail light. Each time the Officer answered that it depend on the person and the situation. Due to the fact that Officer Beltrami spoke changed most people's opinions. Secondly the defense called up Brian Cruise Sr. Brain said that his son has been getting threats. Then when talking to the plaintiff he told them what he said when he was interviewed, that his son told him that he heard the people in the car, meaning Starr and Khalil, talking about how they were are going to get him. Next they called up the chief of police. She also stated the protocol for a police officer and how Officer Brian Cruise Jr is a good person. The plaintiff had no questions. Lastly they called up Officer Brian Cruise Jr. They got some background information and asked him what happened when he pulled over Khalil. When they plaintiff crossed examined she asked questions to show how unfair the situation was. That Khalil’s back was turned and how there was nothing on him when he had patted him down three times. Lastly each side gave their closing

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