Born At Midnight Research Paper

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“What I have to say is going to be a relief to most of you, because deep down

you’ve known something was... different” (43). This phrase was said by a camp advisor,

Holiday, from the fiction novel Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter. This book has three strong

women, romantic tensions, and suspense that create multiple themes such as female

empowerment, love, and acceptance.

This isn’t a typical fiction book where men save women. In this book, the women

save themselves. Born at Midnight has three strong women, one of them being Kylie Galen.

Kylie is strong because she left home and started a new life. When Kylie arrived at the camp,

she had no idea it was for supernaturals. From finding out she was a supernatural to fighting off

unknown sources by herself, Kylie …show more content…


made the family she wanted. Kylie and Miranda were part of that family. These ladies fought

many of their own battles but together they solved the mystery as to who was putting their camp

in danger. Kylie, Miranda, and Della have all had experiences that made them strong, but

together they are stronger.

Romantic tensions are high in this novel. The highest romantic tension is

between Kylie, Derek, and Trey. Derek is a fairy and Trey is just a normal guy who dated Kylie

before but never got over her. Kylie loved both Derek and Trey. She didn’t know who to

choose. Derek and Kylie almost kissed, but Kylie didn’t want to give Derek the wrong

intentions. After they almost kissed Derek said, “So you’re going to deny that you felt anything.

You’re going to deny you almost kissed me back there. That you wanted to kiss me” (161).

Kylie didn’t want to deny that, but she did. Then Trey said, “I miss you Kylie. Really miss you

and the way we used to be, I love you” (220). Running away to get some air, Kylie thought

about it more which made it harder for her decision. Kylie felt an attraction to Trey ever