
Boston Institute Of Contemporary Art Essay

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Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art was a modern museum of art situated in Boston. ICA wanted the opportunity to share the cultural aspect of art to the world, but had to make a bridge between the world of contemporary art and an audience that was unaware of such art. Art Director, Jill Medvedow went through many transformations during her initial term starting in 1998 trying to strengthen and grow the cultural aspect of art to the city of Boston. Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art was incapable of attracting new memberships, a lack of funding, no financial sponsors or tourism, and a lack of advertising to the community. Due to these problems, ICA was still not at its full potential of qualifying as a vessel of art. Since the 1920’s, the city of Boston did not appreciate the aspect of art but the ICA was determined to shed light on the subject. Over the course of 50 years, ICA was eager to inspire and enlighten the city of contemporary art.
There was a numerous of factors on why the city of Boston did not believe in the aspect of contemporary art. Jill Medvedow believed that Boston was lacking in the understanding of the concept of art and was uneducated in contemporary art.
Jill Medvedow stated “when you look at the ecology of what makes a vibrant contemporary art scene, you need to have several different …show more content…

Jill displayed a variety of leadership skills and characteristics, but ultimately displaying qualities of a transformational leader. According to Meindl, Ehrlich & Dukerich (1985), “when looking to the future and constructing a vision, leaders often pain highly optimistic scenarios designed to inspire and reassure followers. Jill also exhibited the following traits that made her the prime candidate for the director of ICA which included integrity, confidence, sociable, intelligence, determination, and

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