Bowlby's Theory Of Attachment

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Attachment is defined as a close and cherished relationship which give feelings and emotional comfort towards other human beings. An individual is born with an attachment behaviour which develops throughout their childhood. It leads to the child keeping close proximity to an important person who they view as their attachment figure and whom they can stay close to in threatening situations. The attachment theory was developed to express the emotional responses which keep young infants and their caregiver in close proximity. Bowlby (1969) proposes that an individuals attachment behaviour is not limited to childhood, it continues to grow throughout their life and adolescence with emotional bonds such as friendship, marriage and relationships (Doosti …show more content…

Attachment allows the children to have a secure base which is essential to explore, learn and uses the primary caregiver as a source of comfort (Benoit 2004).The way different children behave enables the parents to response in many different ways which are influenced by their attachment pattern (Rees 2007). Bowlby believed that an infant attachment behaviours are natural and will be activated by any condition which may threaten their proximity such as separation. The attachment relationship between the child and the caregiver prepares them for future relationships (Gantt et al 1995). Bowlby (1990) developed the attachment theory as a way of understanding how specific infants bond to others, he noticed infants engaging in certain behaviours such as smiling which led to a close and secure bond and relationship with their caregiver which portrayed a secure attachment towards their mother.
Secure attachment is defined as when the infant feels secure and can freely express their emotions which will be comforting from their caregiver. By having a secure attachment it allows the infants to seek proximity and consequently continue to maintain that contact with their caregiver until they feel safe.It is essential for an infant to …show more content…

Bowlby evolutionary theory suggests that children come into this world pre programmed to form a close attachment with others in order to survive. During the evolution, infants who stayed close to their mother and portrayed a secure attachment would have survived to have children of their own. This suggests that both infants and mothers have evolved a biological need to stay close to their mother. Bowlby suggested that an infant would from one primary attachment figure which would act as a secure base in order to explore the world. He also suggested that infants are born with certain behaviours called social releasers which help certify proximity and closeness with the mother such as crying or smiling (Bowlby 1988). Bowlby (1958) suggested that attachment is adaptive as it increases the infants chance of survival in an evolutionary context. The caregiver provides safety and security for the infant. Harlow (1958) argued that attachment develops as the mother provides comfort for them which indicates that infants have a biological touch for emotional comfort and secure attachment with their