Boy Scouts: The New Requirements

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Boy Scouts is about adventure. Boy Scouts is about camping, hiking, and first aid. Boy Scouts is about going outdoors and having fun. But Boy Scouts is also about advancement. It’s about trying to advance to the Eagle rank. Some Scouts love the feeling of accomplishment when they reach the next rank or earn a new merit badge. And some Scouts don’t earn any rank in their entire Scouting experience. They love the adventure of camping and being outdoors. The new Boy Scout rank requirements, which must be used as of January 2017, make it easier for Scouts to find a balance between the two - advancement requirements that are fun to complete.

Left: The front cover of the 12th edition of the Boy Scout handbook. Right: The front …show more content…

There are lots of headings, so Scouts can find the section they are looking for very quickly. The new handbook is also available in an electronic format so that people can access the book without the risk of losing his handbook. New Requirements The new handbook was made because of the issues with the old one. But there was another reason as well. The BSA updated the Cub Scouts (a version of Boy Scouts for elementary school students) in 2015. The next step was to update Boy Scouts. On January 1, 2016, new Boy Scout rank requirements went into effect. In the old program, the Scout rank was not a "real" rank, because it could be completed immediately after joining a troop. Now it is a "real" rank because it includes requirements other than simply learning the Scout oath and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, new Scouts have to learn basic knots, pocketknife safety, internet safety, and outdoor ethics. But the Scout rank was not the only thing that was changed. There have been changes to all of the rank requirements, Scout through Eagle. One to six hours of service is now required for all ranks. The number of hours depends on the rank you are working