Brains And Women Are Differently Organized For Coordination Of Language Processing

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Brains of men and women are differently organized for coordination of language processing. To begin, the brains of men and women are differently utilized during processing. Women tend to utilized their brains more than men. Not to mention that the brains of men are more wired for perception and coordination. On the other hand, the brains of women are more wired for socialization and memory. Furthermore, processing is performed by the left frontal lobe of the brain, while women used both left and right frontal lobes. All in all, the brains of men and women are differently organized as they are utilized differently, wired differently and processes information with different lobes of the brain. The brains of men and women are different, especially …show more content…

To start, men, when processing, use their left frontal lobe only, while females use both of their frontal lobes. Indicating that women use more brain power to understand more. In an experiment by Bennet Shaywitz, consisting of 19 men and 19 women to complete a series of tasks consisting of English grammer and understanding the concept of what they were reading. Shaywitz then used a fMRI to look at the brains of his participants as they completed these difficult tasks. He got an image that males were using their left frontal lobe brain system, while women used both. In the article,” Male and Female Brains and Language,” the author states,” Phonological processing in males was performed primarily by a left frontal lobe system, whereas in women, it was performed by more diffusely organized brain systems in both the left and right frontal lobes”(6). Another experiment was done at the University of Sydney that consisted of 10 men and 11 women. They took samples of the brain to examine and discovered that women had a larger superior temporal cortex and Broca’s area, which are the language areas. The author had reasoning that since the language area was much larger in the female brain, that females were better at language skills. In the article,” Language Processing in the Female Brain,” by Elizabeth Stannard Gromisch, the author states,”One of the results of the hemisphere usage is that while men and women process single words the same, each gender interprets sentences differently”(Gromisch, 7). Using both lobes of the brain means that females have a better grasp of what they are learning rather than men. All in all, uses of both frontal lobes allow females to process languages easier and understand it easier then