Brave New World Technology Essay

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In the book Brave New World has one goal, technological progress. The morals and aspirations of the society are not the same as our societies today, like family and success. Instead they are focused on technology and improvement. The people if you can even call them that, are not concerned with themselves as individuals, they have been conditioned to see the world as collective and technologically oriented. The concept of educational standardization has similarities to society today with the Core 40 program in the United States even though it’s still one standard for all people.

The lower castes of the Brave New World’s society are simple workers, drones and one-task thinkers. The mass production of human life is key to the structure of this society, but there is another factor that goes along with the workers. Not only are the workers created for the purpose of a simple life of servitude, they are also conditioned to enjoy such a meager life. They are content with this lifestyle in every sense, and therefore, they are stable. Satisfied with every minute of their day. This resembles our world today as Sir Ken Robinson says in video on education. Robinson speaks about the “culture” of education and how children are conditioned to think that there are ‘smart’ and ‘dumb’ individuals …show more content…

Robinson points out how students are taught linearly instead of divergently (RSA). This standardization of education reflects the caste system in Brave New World and how each caste is conditioned to be only able to do the job their caste demands. Each caste is conditioned to only think one way, this resembles the culture of our education system and how students are taught to think only in terms of if one score high on tests, one is intelligent and will have a good job and if one scores low, the person is unintelligent and must have a laborious