Ordinary People Nazi Germany Summary

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1. Based on the context of the provided quotes, I would presume the gender of the quoted individual as male. The underlying theme of quotes revolves around fighting, war, and superiority. None of these concepts are traditionally feminine in nature, whereas countless prominent male figures can be referenced to exhibit these conceptual thought patterns throughout history. 2. The author is likely German based on the contextual evidence presented in his quotes. The most telling occur in the third quote provided, “[W]ithout consideration of ‘traditions’ and prejudices, it [Germany] must find the courage to gather our people”. The use of the term “our people” provides evidence that he is inclusive to the German people he is speaking about. Further evidence of the author’s nationality being German comes from his reference to the country being “limited to the absurd area of five hundred thousand square kilometers”. While modern Germany only accounts for a land mass of approximately 350,000 square kilometers, one must consider the fact that …show more content…

The document author’s beliefs are rooted in concepts of superiority and inferiority. These concepts lead the author to propose segregation and subjugation of those he identifies as “ordinary people” or “inferior”. He believes that the “inferior” will become so numerically superior that they pose a risk of overwhelming and enslaving “the best”, as a result, he proposes “a correction of this state of affairs”. He makes numerous rationalizations supporting such claims, arguing that “Nature does just this by subjecting the weaker part to such severe living conditions that by them alone the number is limited, and by not permitting the remainder to increase promiscuously, but making a new and ruthless choice according to strength and health”. The author seemingly believes that the enslavement of inferior beings and mistreating of them in order retard their propagation is a natural process and should be applied to human