Brave New World Utopian Analysis

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Aldous Xin Mr. Kirkendall English 401 13 May 2017 Utopia Is A Fairy Tell: An Analysis of “Brave New World” In 20th century, lots of the literatures were envisaging the ideal life in utopia, but Aldous Huxley’s novel “Brave New World” is about anti-utopian, it not only talks about those unreasonable things in the new world, but also a novel that deconstructed the beautiful lie about utopian. The novel was set in the year 632 After Ford, which is around AD 2540. Everything in the world is regulated, people’s desires can be completely satisfied, they can enjoy the life and not worry about illness and death, but in this society, family, emotions, freedom and morals are not existed, people has no real emotions. All citizens have been regulated …show more content…

Marriage and love is forbidden while the sexual freedom has been vigorously respected. People can freely find their sex-mates in the same castes, it is people’s obligation to satisfy each other’s sexual needs. Any longtime emotions or strong emotions are forbidden. People don’t have anytime to think about the philosophy, literature, or any kinds of natural and arts. Entertainment took every single bit of time for reading or thinking, people lost their individuals. Instead of believing in god, they believe in Ford, the one who create the assembly line, which is the same way how the governors create people in this world. People are taught to paralysis themselves, to lose their own conscious, to lost their right to speak, in order to achieve the stability of the society. In this society, people obedience in everywhere, their personalities are gone. “Every one belongs to every one else, after …show more content…

When the governor talks about science and evolution, it actually means the perfection of the technology, The nation use science to develop technology, which can help create a harmoniously world, but at the same time, the nation limited science because they think the fundamental idea of science is the pursue of truth, which is a threaten to the control of the nation. The nation put their focus on happiness and stability, which means it use the results of scientific research because those results are beneficial to the management, but they don’t support science itself. In this society, stability is more important than anything else, which made this society dissimilated. People enjoys their lives while they have been treated as work machines, those guidelines that has been taught made them spirituality, insensitive, their right of freedom has been deprived. They don’t think anymore, they don't seek the truth anymore, they are regulated, anything that shows disobey will be treated as traitor and will be send to Iceland. The new world is a world of totalitarian, although it looks like utopia, but it’s the opposite anti-utopian