Why Did The Soviet Union Adopt A Command Economy Essay

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The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was the communist version of the USA in Eastern Europe. The country was formed in the early 1900s after the Russian revolution. The Bolshevik party that gained control after the revolutionary war didn’t want to only alter the economic system that had existed in Russia at the time; they wanted to completely replace it with a Socialist system based on the ideas expressed by Karl Marx on his Communist Manifesto. Thus, the Soviet Union adopted a command economy in which the state owned and regulated the means of production, collective farming, and industrial manufacturing. The new regime aimed at establishing a completely new organization of society in which industrial production would be directed not by competing businesses, but by society itself that would strive to meet all the needs of its citizens. A command or planned economy is one where the “government controls all major aspects of the economy and economic …show more content…

They utilized most of the workforce to achieve their goal and they did achieve it quicker than most nations. What I don’t agree with is the Soviet Union’s neglect towards their consumer market. They focused all their energy in industrializing and when they reached their goal, they just kept on going. I believe that after industrializing, the Soviet Union should have let go of the command economy and slowly adopted a mixed economy. Additionally, after achieving the goal, they should have relieved some of the workforce that focused primarily on capital goods and redirected them to produce consumer goods. By building on their consumer market, the Soviet Union would have been able to grow even larger. If they did those things, maybe they would have been around today, but their rejection of the capitalist system would have never allowed them to let go of their command

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