Brenau University Student Analysis

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Brenau University is a well-known school for its academics and sports. The all-girl university has many sports like soccer, volleyball, cheerleading, and swimming and cross country. The standards to play in this particular private school are high and the coaches have high expectations. I ran in cross country, but I didn’t qualify for full tuition scholarship in college. I have many classmates that played a sport in high school and didn’t get a scholarship. Which also made me wonder what it would take to earn a scholarship. I wanted to know what it takes to be recruited to a private school. I decided to interview Tyana Luna that received a full ride to Brenau University. A Tyana Luna already deals with stress from trying to get good grades …show more content…

I noticed that she grabbed certain foods. Her plate contained many vibrant colors, green spinach, an Italian dressing with scattered cherry tomatoes on top. The largest portion consisted of a broccoli fettuccine pasta with mushrooms and green peppers. I didn’t see any meat on her plate she explained, “I decided to become a vegetarian and I’m also lactose intolerant.” She continued with a frown on her face “Some days it’s really hard to eat because the option for vegetarians are there but they’re smothered in cheese and then I can’t eat them.” The identification of a vegetarian comes along with a lot of discipline and selfless. “I feel humanity doesn’t need to torture animals and make them go through so much pain.” -- It’s not fair for them. She is always aware of keeping up with school assignments, decreasing her time with each mile and mindful as to what she eats. She continued to speak “I have a race tomorrow, so I can’t eat anything heavy that would weigh me down.” I giggled “So what can you eat?” she replied “I can eat pasta, green vegetables and drink a lot of water before a race.” I made some small talk before asking her my specific questions. She started to blush as I reminded her that she holds the fastest time for one mile at Berkmar high school of 5:55. I noticed in almost every response, her answer sums up to standing out and making an effort to be