Brewing Girl: A Narrative Fiction

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“See you guys on Monday,” Matt said, “Have a good weekend!” Matt and Jessica were the only two left after the rest of their coworkers had left the holiday party because of a brewing storm that was reportedly in the next town over. “They are such wimps,” said Jessica, “seriously, the storm isn’t anything we haven’t dealt with before.” “Well, most people at the age of 28 have a family, some even have children to go home to unlike our sorry asses who pay fifteen hundred in rent each month for an apartment the size of a shoebox in the middle of New York.” “Yeah, don’t remind me how miserable my life is. I already know” “Come on Jess, it’s not that bad.” “Yeah, yeah whatever. But it would be a hell of a lot better than it is know if I had …show more content…

“How about real ideas though.” They sat in a comfortable silence for about a minute. “What about Would You Rather?” “Sounds good but we don’t have any cards.” “Who needs cards?” Jessica smiled. “Ok, let’s start. Would you rather… be attacked by a one giant guinea pig or a million tiny elephants.” “Really? You can do better than that.” Jessica said in a disappointing tone. “Just answer the question.” “Ummmm, probably one giant guinea pig.” “Ok, your turn.” encouraged Matt “Would you rather have to cheer on the Red Sox or be killed by a giant spider?” Jess already knew the answer to this because of how such a die hard fan Matt was of the Yankees and without hesitation he answered. “Giant spider. No questions asked.” “I figured.” Jessica laughed. “Then why did you ask?” “Because I wanted to hear you say it!” laughed Jess.
CRASH! A lightning bolt followed by a loud clap of thunder shook their office building. “Woah! Did you hear that?!” exclaimed Matt. “Yeah, maybe they were right about leaving earlier.” said Jess almost questioning her decision to stay with …show more content…

Jessica turned her head then snapped it back quickly running for a while then turning left to exit the building. When she stepped foot outside she scanned her environment. It was a total dystopia. All the buildings were destroyed, all the people dead or dying slowly. Smoke filled the air because there were small fires around and on the fallen concrete. Jessica saw one building in the distance to her slight left and immediately started running towards it never looking back while dodged the fires or jumped over them. She made her way to the building and threw open the cold steel door. Jessica turned and looked back and noticed that the giant spider pursuing her was about seven hundred feet behind her. She sprinted towards the brick stairs in the center of the building with the titan spider trailing close behind. The sweating and panting brunette made her way up the stairs, not knowing where they would lead her to. Jessica found herself at the top of the concrete building looking down at all of the destruction and pasted chaos that was bestowed on the buildings and people below her. The giant arthropod was made its way to Jessica slowly as if tempting her to jump off of the side of the building. She didn’t though, Jessica waited and waited for the spider to make a move. To kill