Brief Analysis Of Prometheus By Ayn Rand

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Their is no opposition to the leaders in the society because they have been trained not to think on their own. In a society that you were never allowed to think individually or act individually you would never have a real desire to do so. They have enforced these rules from basically brainwashing, intimidating, and not letting people be individuals from the very beginning of their lives. The leaders brainwashed the citizens by teaching them ever since they were born they are not individuals. This worked because if you are taught a certain way ever since birth you are scared to act outside of it. Humans naturally do what makes them comfortable and if the only way you know is to live in a society where you can’t be an individual that's what you will do, with the very rare exception of some. The people in this society literally depend on their leaders to survive, they set the alarm to get them up and decide when and what they eat, so people know if they disobey they will no longer have the means to survive practically anyways. People in this society are feared into not thinking by themselves because if they do they will be thrown in jail. Although their jail is not hard to break out of nobody except Prometheus has ever dared to escape. Partially because there's really no reason to escape, Prometheus escaped to go show his …show more content…

They don't have different religions or issues to influence each other to think different from the group so they all just think the same. They believe they are doing right by not thinking by themselves unless they are a select few because that's what they have always been taught. They essentially don't have the basic skills to live by themselves because they depend on each other so much. If you knowingly can't survive on your own you wont rebel and go do your own