
Brief Outline One Case Of Canada's Relocation Of Indigenous People

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Short Answer Questions – one typed page, approx. 250 words / 4 pages. Identify and briefly outline one case of Indigenous relocation. You should identify the group by name, where they were moved from and to, and how much choice they had in this relocation. Include an example of the resilience of the group after the fact. One case of Canada’s relocation of Indigenous People was of the Ahiarmiut. The Ahiarmiut were relocated two-hundred miles from their original residence in Ennadai to Nueltin Lake. On multiple occasions Ahiarmiut walked back to Ennadai, and the Canadian government moved them further away each time. Like Elisapee Karetak discusses in the documentary Kikkik, these relocations started because of an OT radio station workers getting …show more content…

One example of cultural revival is the Ktaqmamkukeweq Mi’kmaq. British rule in Newfoundland and Labrador negatively impacted Mi’kmaq people by assimilation, refusing assistance, and negligence. Mi’kmaq were not considered Indigenous because the Beothuk were the only known Indigenous people in Newfoundland, which were extinct by 1929. However, this observation of Indigenous People in Newfoundland and Labrador did not consider seasonal nomadism. Thus, Mi’kmaw People were denied Indigenous status, and were forcibly relocated due to colonial industry and capital. Mi’kmaw language and culture dissipated because of colonialism in Newfoundland and Labrador (Robinson, 3). Not only this, when the Canadian government started fishing, logging, and similar jobs, Mi’kmaw was not hired. Colonialism stripped the Mi’kmaq people of language, traditions, land, and culture. Powwows are an example of cultural revival amongst Mi’kmaq people in Newfoundland and Labrador. As mentioned, it was hard to be Mi’kmaq in colonial Newfoundland and Labrador. So many chose to hide their identity. Today, there is more acceptance and pride towards Mi’kmaq

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