Brief Summary Of Buck's Into The Wild

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When Buck was with Judge Miller he was a large 140 pounds, shaggy haired, tide water dog. He was loyal to Judge Miller and was very dignified, and often thought of himself as ruler of his domain. Buck was a healthy dog; he had strong muscles and very little reflexes. Judge Miller’s kids were protected by him; he often hunted with them or walked down to the stable yard. Other dogs had come and gone but he stayed, Judge never sold him or wanted to get rid of him. Buck trusted in the people he knew, he trusted Judge and his kids and grandkids, and he trusted in the people who worked on Judges property. After Buck is sold to people in Seattle by one of Judge Miller’s garden keepers, he is with François and Perrault he learned very quickly not to “fall to the ground”. In other words he learned how to be strong and never give up, he also learned that he was not in the dominant position any more. When Buck was with François and Perrault he was on a learning basis he learned …show more content…

When the sled drivers who delivered the mail were done with Buck and his team they got about a two days rest until they were purchased by three people who didn’t know a single thing about being a sled driver. They over packed the sled, didn’t bring enough food, bought too many dogs (which ties under not bringing enough food). After about half of the dogs died from starvation, they ended up at John Thornton’s little stop area, while the three people were asking where to go all the dogs flopped down in exhaustion. Once they get the directions they beat the dogs until they got up, except for Buck, Buck didn’t move at all. He didn’t even feel the pain of the club or whip hitting him. That’s where John Thornton steps in and threatens to kill Charles-the one who is beating Buck- if he doesn’t stop hitting him. After that quarrel, John ends up taking Buck home and nursing him back to