Describe One Experiment Using Classical Conditioning

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1. What is Cognitive psychology? the study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, and thinking. 2. What are the three major processes involved in Memory? a. Encoding, b. Storage, c. Retrieval 3. What is perception? our sensory experience of the world around us. It involves the recognition of environmental stimuli and responses to these stimuli. 4. Name two major Psychologists who put forward theories on language acquisition. o BF Skinner o Noam Chomsky 5. Briefly describe the theory of Universal Grammar by Noam Chomsky Universal grammar is a linguistic theory by Noam Chomsky that argues that the ability to learn language is natural/innate, distinctly human and distinct …show more content…

For example, ringing a bell before feeding a dog. The dog will learn that when the bell rings, food will be given. 14. Who came up with the theory? Ivan Pavlov 15. What does the following stand for in Classical Conditioning? UCS - unconditioned stimulus UCR - unconditioned response CR - conditioned response CS - conditioned stimulus 16. Describe one experiment using Classical Conditioning. Ivan Pavlov performed an experiment with dogs. He rang a bell before feeding the dogs. Over time, the dogs learned that when the bell rings, food is given and began salivating even before seeing the food. 17. What is Operant conditioning and who came up with the theory? Operant conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. It was discovered by Skinner. 18. In Operant conditioning distinguish between Reinforcement and Punishment Reinforcement is any event that strengthens or increases behavior. Punishment, on the other hand, is a negative event or outcome that causes a decrease in the behavior it follows. 19. What are the four schedules of Reinforcement? • Fixed-ratio schedules • Variable-ratio schedules • Fixed-interval