British Constitution Has Made To The Uk Essay

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After the ‘Brexit’ referendum vote during June 2016, it is time to review several impacts that the European Union has made to the UK´s Constitution. The United Kingdome joined the EU known at the time as the EEC the year of 1973 where the Conservative Party leader, Prime Minister Edward Heath ,. The United Kingdome has put ‘pen to paper’ on many treaties. Most of the treaties concern the transfer of power, laws and sovereignty from Westminster Parliament(UK) to the European Union. Some of the most remarkable treaties are The Treaty of Maastricht 1992 and the Treaty of Lisbon 2007. These treaties weakened British sovereignty and transferred it to the EU. In June 2016, there was a referendum on whether Britain should stay or leave the EU. The result was 51.9% of the votes were in favour for the British to leave the EU. Another important feature to present in the following essay is that the British constitution is uncodified. This means that it is not written in a single document and a simple act of Parliament could change the laws in the constitution, this makes it flexible. Laws are not entrenched …show more content…

It is important to understand its main features. As mentioned in the introduction the United Kingdom has an uncodified constitution. This means that the laws are not written down in a single document which makes it easy to amend, at the same time the laws are not safeguarded as a codified Constitution. The laws that are in the Constitution have the same legislative value as other laws. In the United Kingdom, an act of Parliament, bills and conventions are some sources of the law as well as EU laws. In the UK Parliament is very important as they could amend the constitution easily with a simple Act of Parliament. This means that the in the United Kingdom there is not a clear separation of powers. This is because of the executive which is in office control Parliament which is the