Brochure: Preventing Infection

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The title of the brochure that is going to be discussed in this paper is “Five things that you can do to prevent infection”, published November 30, 2012. The target population that this information will benefit is everybody, because infection affects everyone if precautions are not taken. People can be exposed to infection at any location; at home, work, school, church, shopping centers, and even in the hospital, which is why people should be informed on how to protect themselves from acquiring these infections by following these five steps.
Summary of the Brochure’s recommendations
The joint commission’s recommendations to prevent one from getting infection or passing infection to others are as follows;
1. Clean your hands: - Washing hands …show more content…

This will make it easy for patients to read while waiting to see the doctor and easy to understand as the explanation of the subtopics are short. I think that adding pictures to the different ways of fighting infection would have made it more memorable, and with the pictures, even those that cannot understand what is being said will pay attention and maybe ask for explanation. This topic is of interest to me because I work in a healthcare field and I have a family, I love what I do and I don’t want to expose my family to diseases or infections that could have been prevented if I had taken the necessary precautions to protect myself. The information in this brochure is very beneficial to everyone especially those that are ill or immunocompromised, and it will be very important that I incorporate it in my patient education to encourage them to stay healthy and free of infection. The information on the brochure was presented in a step by step format that made it easy for anyone to follow. According to the Guide to Infection Prevention for Outpatient Settings, people outside the hospital need to protect themselves from infection as much as those in the

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