Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory

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“A child’s development is affected by their social relationships” (N.P., n.d. Web.) how they are socialized by people and the environment around them, even the world at large plays I big role in their development and who they become. The ecological systems theory of Bronfenbrenner gives explanation to how children develop and affected by their surroundings. The theory describes a compounded “layers” of environment: the Microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, the Macrosystem, and the chronosystem each layer having an effect on child’s development. The implication it has, the theory on teaching is that it highlights the importance of bi-directional interactions, a good relationship of a child’s caregiver with teachers at school it brings …show more content…

Some examples would be home, school, daycare, or work. The microsystem comprise of family, peers, [or caregivers]’. Relationship in this level reactive one meaning that people in the microsystem actions will affect how they treat you in return.
For example a child’s first direct contact especially parents will socialize the child to some norms, habits and so on. And also school interaction with other children in class forms his/her the direct contact they have in this …show more content…

As Bronfenbrenner (1994) puts it “The chronosystem encompasses the dimension of time as it relates to a child 's environment. Elements within this system can be either external, such as the timing of a parent 's death, or internal, such as the physiological changes that occur with the aging of a child. Family dynamics need to be framed in the historical context as they occur within each system” historical influences in the macrosystem can have families respond to different stressors. Bronfenbrenner suggests that, “in many cases, families respond to different stressors within the societal parameters existent in their lives”.
In conclusion Bronfenbernner’s model of child development even though it lacks vast circumstances of child development. It can improve our education approach if applied in the context of South Africa. Making sure that the first and second layers of the theory parents or caregiver do their best to positively impact the child for better performance in school. And the government making policy that support good and healthy environment both in school and