Bronfrenbrenner's Theory In Recovery Schools

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Recovery schools are schools that help adolescents to recovery from substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders. In addition, recovery schools are also developmental schools. These schools align well with the faucets of the following developmental theories: Bronfenbrenner’s social ecological theory, Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, Bandura’s social cognitive learning theory and self-efficacy, and Kegan’s constructive developmental theory. The purpose of this study was to provide a characterization of the human development frame and the role of adolescent theories for students in recovery from substance use disorders (Finch & Frieden, 2014). Bronfrenbrenner’s Social-Ecological Theory Bronfrenbrenner’s social-ecological theory includes …show more content…

Bandura believed that behavior is learned through modeling. When individuals observe others, they form ideas of how new behaviors are performed. Self-efficacy, a component of Bandura’s social cognitive theory is the belief of one’s own ability and knowledge in performing a task that determines a person’s success or failure. Finch and Freiden (2014) stated that there are four stages of self-efficacy in maintaining sobriety and constructing friendships. These four stages are actual performance, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological cues. In recovery high schools, adolescents experience and observe positive and negative behaviors of themselves and others. Next, recovery schools provide students the opportunity to gain social skills without the use of substances. In addition, adolescents have opportunities to practice modeling, to receive mentoring from adults and peers, and to learn new …show more content…

Most importantly, Vygotsky believed that the context of social and culture influences the developmental process in individuals. There are two important concepts in Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory that is essential in recovery schools, scaffolding and zone of proximal development. Scaffolding is described as an experienced individual who provides interactional support to a less experience individual. Moreover, zone of proximal development is what individuals can do with assistance. An example of scaffolding in recovery schools is that individuals learn to be sober through the assistance of teachers, counselors, mentors, peers, and