Brother Left Alone Analysis

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Brother was embarrassed at having Doodle as a brother from the very beginning. He hated that he couldn’t walk, and that he had to take him everywhere he went, and that he wasn’t a normal brother to play with. Brother was embarrassed that Doodle, at age 5, Doodle couldn’t even walk, and soon he would have to go to school, and Doodle would have to carry him around everywhere. Brother even planned, to kill Doodle for himself. Brother did some cruel things to Doodle. Doodle’s worst fear, was to be left alone, because he couldn’t take care of himself, and walk. So sometimes, brother left Doodle alone, unless he did was he was told. On page 4, brother said “Then I will leave you by yourself,” I threatened. Doodle never wants to be alone, because …show more content…

Doodle was scared when he first saw the storm, because Doodle was different and sensitive, and he has never seen a storm so huge, that he was scared of what it was. But brother didn’t care, he wanted to push over his limit, and make him worn out. So he ran away from Doodle, so Doodle could run to him, and catch up. Brother said on page 3, “His skin was very sensitive.” Meaning, that brother knew that Doodle wasn’t normal, and he had sensitive skin, and so he didn’t take the responsibility to help Doodle get out of the rain, but for Doodle to do it for himself, even though he wasn’t capable to. Brother said on page 2, “When Doodle was 5 years old, I was embarrassed at having a brother who couldn’t walk.” Brother was also very embarrassed of his brother, because he looked different, and acted different. So he decided to teach him how to walk before school started and everyone to see brothers brother, who is different. Even though, brother gave up his free time during the summer to help Doodle, and teach him how to walk, the only reason he did it was because he was embarrassed. On page 2, Brother said, “When he crawled, he crawled backwards.” This proves also, that Doodle, was called Doodle because he crawled like a Doodlebug, which brother said directly! Doctors even said in the beginning, that Doodle wasn’t going to live because he could die of “heart failure”, which …show more content…

It isn’t safe, and healthy for Doodle. Doodle still had problems, he still was sensitive, and he still have heart problems. And when he is pushed too much, something bad could happen to him. Like I said, just because it hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean it WON’T happen. Brother said on page 4, “I won’t touch it,” he said sullenly. Brother made Doodle do things, like touch his coffin that he didn’t feel comfortable doing, and if he didn’t do it, brother did the thing that Doodle hated and feared most, was, being alone. So he threatened to, unless he did it, and follow brothers commands. Even though, brother gave up his free time during the summer to help Doodle, and teach him how to walk, the only reason he did it was because he was embarrassed. When Doodle then touched it, he cried. Did brother care? Who knows. But did brother stop? No. Brother said on page 8, “Aw, come on, Doodle,” I urged. Did brother know that he was pushing him too hard. Because he just kept going and going, even though Doodle said he couldn’t handle it anymore, but he had to follow, and do what brother says or be left alone. Brother also said on page 12, “I ran as fast as I could, leaving him far behind.” Now this, was the very end. The end of the line for Doodle. The end, where Doodle died, all because brother. Who couldn’t take care of his brother, who left him in the middle of the woods, alone, unless he pushed himself, even though he