Brown Vs Board Of Education Case Study

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The background of the case of Brown vs. Board of Education comes from along history of racism and slavery against African American people, It was by 1865 the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified and finally put an end to slavery but it didn’t really put an end to racism many African American people were been miss treated and not given the same right as the whites. The Fourteenth Amendment in1868 strengthened the legal rights of freed slaves by stating that no state shall deprive anyone of either "due process of law" or of the "equal protection of the law." Finally, in1870 the Fifteenth Amendment further strengthened the legal rights of newly freed slaves by prohibiting states from denying anyone the right to vote due to race, But this right didn’t really stop racism specially in the south region were African American people were treated horribly some were beaten, killed and miss judged. Many state …show more content…

Many African American Children had to walk long distance to their school just because they couldn’t attend the white schools this is where the Brown vs. Board of education came in. An African American man whose daughter Linda faced a long commute to school every day. Linda had been denied admission to an all white neighborhood school just five blocks from her house. The case became a class action suit involving five states, consolidated under Brown once they reached the Supreme Court. The two lead attorneys were Charles H. Houston and Thurgood Marshall who fought for this case, the architects of the NAACP's legal strategies. Marshall would later become the nation's first African American Supreme Court