Browns Vs. Board Of Education Case Study

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Browns vs. Board of Education is a case created in 1954 that stated “separate but equal” segregation in public schools is prohibited by the Constitution. This case was named after a father Oliver Brown that had a problem with his daughter Linda Brown having long and frightful walk to school every morning. Brown vs. Board of Education overturned a case known as Plessy vs. Ferguson and ruled that the same education white people receive, must be provided for black people. Plessy vs. Ferguson is a case created in 1896 that sustained the authority of segregation. This case arose from an 1892 event involving an African-American man by the name of Homer Plessy who went against a Louisiana Law by refusing to sit in a Jim Crow car. As recently stated, Plessy was not overturned until many years later when Brown vs. Board of Education came about in 1954. During the 1800’s to 1900’s racial problems were at their peak. Not only was school issues a problem but just about everything else, ranging from separate bathrooms to blacks …show more content…

Although this case withheld many problems in the South and we still to this day struggle with racial problems, the Brown vs. Board of Education was proven successful and had an amazing impact on the United States. After this case, America slowly started becoming a truthfully non racial world nation. Along with that, the amount of African Americans with a degree increased from one out of forty to now more than one out of five. The Brown case started a spark for the civil rights movement and inspired kids everywhere to get a good education and go for their dreams. The case encouraged education reform and challenged segregation in all schools. Brown’s case made every African Americans school situation more comfortable and set them up with a chance of a better future, that was their chance to take advantage of or