Buchenwald Concentration Camp Essay

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Buchenwald concentration camp Buchenwald was one of the most horror camps ever all the nazi killed children and women and old people.The camp was constructed in 1937, in a wooded area on the northern slopes of the Ettersberg. The first opened for male prisoner in July 1937. The Nazi takeover of the power, Weimar was the best known as the home of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, who embodied the German enlightenment of the eighteenth country, as the birthplace of German constitutional democracy in 1919, the Weimar Republic. Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps established by the Nazis. During the Nazi regime, "Weimar" because associated with the Buchenwald concentration camp. Most of the early inmates at Buchenwald were political prisoner. However women were not part of the Buchenwald camp system until 1944.prisoners were confined in the northern part of that camp in an area known as the camp main camp, while SS guard barracks and the camp administration compound were located in the southern part. The main camp was surrounded by an electrified barbed-wire fence, watchtowers,and a chain of sentries outfitted with automatically activated machine guns. The SS carried out shootings in the stables …show more content…

The prisoner population expanded rapidly, reaching 110,000 by the end of 1945. Buchenwald prisoners were used in the German Equipment Works (DAW), an enterprise owned and operated by the SS, in the camp workshop; and in the camps stone quarry. In March 1943 the Gustoff firm opened a large munitions planting the castern part of the camp. A rail siding completed in 1943 connected the camp with the freight yards in Weimar, facilitating the shipment of war supplies. The SS staff sent those too weak or disabled to continue working to the Bernburg or Sonnenstein euthanasia killing centers, where they were killed by