Budweiser Ad Summary

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The Budweiser ad was first broadcasted during what was known as the “Global Be(er) Responsible Day” on Super Bowl of September 19, 2014. Especially with the fact that this warning is coming from a beer company just makes the commercial more convincing and implies to drink responsible because they have people that care about them. Budweiser makes a clear message that by drinking and driving, “the waiting will never end for some.” As the commercial goes on the, puppy named Cooper gets larger and becomes an adult dog and is seen actively participating in his owner’s life Nile Sarkisian, the dog owner’s best friend. The two are seen doing many activities together. Once the relationship between the dog and his owner is established, then the owner leaves the house with a bunch of his friends and a six-pack of Budweiser. The dog is seen perched on the window, watching his best friend leave. The dog waits and the words “For some, the waiting …show more content…

The lyrics are: “You and I were made for love, a lifetime is not enough to show you want you mean to me. I’ll be waiting for you when you come home to me.” These lyrics seem to personify the dog and make it as though these are the words the dog would want to say to his owner or his best friend. It describes how the dog will always be waiting for his best friend and that his best friend is all he has in this world. These lyrics enhance not only the pathos of the commercial, but also the logos of the message as well. It is because of the fact that the dog’s owner is the only friend, the only attachment he has to this world, of course the dog would be forever waiting for his friend to come back home. By personifying the dog, Budweiser creates more credibility for the commercial since the viewers can now relate to the dog’s feelings as if the dog was telling the viewer how he is