Tn 4351 was originally isolated from bacteroides fragilis [30] . The transposon was successfully introduced into Cytophaga succinicans, Flavobacterium meningosepticum, Flexibacter canadiansis, Flexibacter strain SFI and Sporocytophaga myxococcoides by conjugation [25]. Tn 4351carries two antibiotic resistance gene. One of the codes for resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin which is expressed in bactroides but not in E.Coli. The other gene codes for resistance in tetracycline and is expressed in aerobically grpwn E. coli, but not in anaerobically grpwn E. coli or in bacteroides.
For most sequences at position 4 and 5 we observe only the nucleotides G and T, respectively. There may be rare cases where other nucleotides may also be found. To consider such observations, we need to do a process called additive smoothing or Laplace smoothing to smooth the categorical data. [9] In this case, we add 4 sequences: AAAAAAAAA, CCCCCCCCC, GGGGGGGG, TTTTTTTTT.
I need to find the area of rectangle ABCD. I know that ABCD is a rectangle with diagonals intersecting at point E. Segment DE equals 4x-5, segment BC equals 2x+6, and segment AC equals 6x. I predict that To find the area of rectangle ABCD I need to find out the base and height of the rectangle. The first step is to find what x equals. Since I know the intersecting line segments AC and DB are congruent that means when I times the equation 4x-5 for segment DE by two it will equal the equation 6x for segment AC.
ADI Lab How should the unknown organisms be classified? Using previous knowledge from tenth grade biology, we know the variation between plant and animal cells. The differences are within the organelles. Animal cells have centrioles, lysosomes.
4.1.6 Flip ops as Counters As can be seen from Figure 4.7 and Figure 4.8, a T-FF can be implemented using a D- FF feeding back the negate output /Q to the input D. The input clock to be divided is then provided at the CLK input. Cascading n T-FF stages as shown in Figure 4.8, it is 26 possible to divide the input frequency by a factor of 2^n . Based on current requirement Figure 4.7: FlipFlop of IC, size and availability and operating temperature, the rst combination which is the cascade of divide-by-4, divide-by-10 and divide-by-10 is chosen. The ip op as divide by 4, 10, 40 etc have been simulated with ADS.
Chapter 7 is to discuss the actual implementation and issues found during the experiment. The number of issues that were found during the project will be discussed in this chapter. Types of issues that will be discussed, are component issues, integration issues and construction issues. A cost summary of the components that were bought, will be shown in this chapter. 7.2 COMPONENT AND INTEGRATION
Results The lab experiment was done in two parts, one with the NAND, NOR, XOR and Hex Inverters and the other with a 7483 full adder gate, both will verify the truth table when two input bits and a carry are added together. The circuits were built by examining the 1 bits through a K-Map to create a Boolean expression for the sum and carry. The Boolean expression for the sum was A⊕B⊕C and the carry as AB+BC_in+AC_in. From these two expressions, we notice that we must use two exclusive-ORs gates in the sum inputs for A, B, and C. For the sum, we have to use NOR and NAND (the only available gates from the lab manual).
V. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP & RESULTS The proposed dual T-NPC, dual PMSM topology and its modulation and control strategy are evaluated on an experimental setup as shown in Fig. 13. The experimental setup consists of two three-level T-NPC inverters feeding a dual three-phase 16 pole PMSM. The following capabilities of the proposed topology have been validated: 1) balancing DC-link voltages, 2) reduced output current distortion and 3) reducing capacitor RMS current.
The lab started off by measuring critical materials for the lab: the mass of an an empty 100 mL beaker, mass of beaker and copper chloride together(52.30 g), and the mass of three iron nails(2.73 g). The goal of this experiment is to determine the number of moles of copper and iron that would be produced in the reaction of iron and copper(II) chloride, the ratio of moles of iron to moles of copper, and the percent yield of copper produced. 2.00 grams of copper(II) chloride was added in the beaker to mix with 15 mL of distilled water. Then, three dry nails are placed in the copper(II) chloride solution for approximately 25 minutes. The three nails have to be scraped clean by sandpaper to make the surface of the nail shiny; if the nails are not clean, then some unknown substances might accidentally mix into the reaction and cause variations of the result.
In this three-week long experiment conducted in the Bio 13 Lab, we were able to analyze a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in our own genomic DNA and then determine our genotype at this specific SNP. In week one, we extracted genomic DNA from our cheek cells with swabs and prepared our DNA for PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) that would amplify the region with the intended SNP of interest. After one week and after the PCR was run outside of the lab section, the resulting PCR product was purified and treated with restriction enzyme Ahdl in order to prepare for the final analysis of our genotypes. In the third and final week of the project, we analyzed our PCR products by means of agarose gel electrophoresis. By the conclusion of the experiment, we had completed the analysis at the SNP of interest and determined our genotypes for this SNP.
1. A) Show that the relation R over bit strings where (x, y) is in R if and only bit strings x and y length 16 that agree on their last 4 bits is an equivalence relation. Define the equivalence classes and the partition induced by R. Answer: A relation R is said to be an equivalence relation if and only if it has all the following three properties: • Reflexive • Symmetric and • Transitive
In Tube A with the water snail, cellular respiration is being undergone. Tube B, is a aquatic plant so, for this tube, photosynthesis is most likely happening. Tube C has both the water snail, and the aquatic plant which means there is going to be an equilibrium of both processes being the photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. Tube D is the control. BTB or bromthymol blue is a solution used to detect changes in pH. The detection of pH is associated with the amount of CO2 present, meaning that the pH changes with the amount of CO2.
The separated mixture was then filtered using vacuum filtration again. Once the filtrate was all pulled through the filter the remaining sand was washed twice with five mL of distilled water. Air was continuously pulled through until the sand was dry. The filtrate was transferred into another 150-mL beaker. The vacuum filtration was cleaned and set up again for the third filtration.
Group 1: All the elements that were tested from group 1 had a pH level of 12. This meant that all the tested elements produce an alkaline solution. Group one elements readily lose their valence electron as they wish to form a full valence shell this gives them all a low electron affinity. The group one elements have different electronegativity going down the group. Electronegativity of the elements decreases with the increasing the atomic radii.
Finally, the amplified DNA regions are compare using a gel. DNA Profiling