Building Participation Intervention In Health Care Setting Improves Nurse Satisfaction

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What is the Evidence that team building participation intervention in health care setting improves nurse satisfaction/retention Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Theory: Abraham Maslow proposed the hierarchy of needs theory in 1943. This theory is a classical outline of human motivation. The theory is based on the assumption that there is a hierarchy of five needs within each individual. The five needs are:
Physiological needs- basic needs of air, water, food , clothing and shelter
Safety needs- physical, environmental and emotional safety. (job security, health security, financial security)
Social needs- need for love, care, affection, belongingness and friendship
Esteem needs- There are two types of esteem needs
Internal esteem needs: self respect, confidence, competence, achievement and freedom
External esteem needs: recognition, …show more content…

As each of these needs is significantly satisfied, it drives and forces the next need to emerge. (Maslow hierarchy, 2018)

Employees whose lowest level needs have not been met will make job decisions based on compensation, safety, or stability concerns. Also, employees will revert to satisfying their lowest level needs when these needs are no longer met or are threatened (Tanner,MR 2018)
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory support my topic of team building participation improves nurse satisfaction by incorporating the five needs into team building exercises and allowing the employees to participate in activities and provide strategies that will meet their needs. This will motivate the employee, and provide satisfaction / retention. in the workplace.
Studies to support the theory and nurse satisfaction /retention
Motivation – Applying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory(Robert Tanner)
This study shows how using Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is used in the workplace and when implemented, there is workplace motivation, effective leaders, satisfaction and retention of