
Bureacracies Case Study

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Chapter 12 discussion about bureacracies. Raised Several questions Not just one First, In working for the Gov't will it ever be like working for a business? (here our question implies businesses are at a much better standard) but different standard is not necessarily a better one. Second, Will the idea President Obama suggested of re-tooling (re-equipping) the system, will it actually work or is inefficiency just the cost of bureaucracy? Last, read the suggested article by Stephen Moore who sees Americans as seeds of mediocracy "takers" overindulged by Govt jobs afraid to engage in blue collar work, trade jobs as makers. Which is our third question , Are we? As Americans I agree we must own up to the Bureacracies weve created or unknowningly condoned. I believe that is a fair acessment (but) and there always will be one....not all Government entities are drone-like pecking orders faithfully following orders of an imperial hive, as our textbook so depicts them to be. Most are businesslike and professional in a good way. …show more content…

Without these rules and the creators of those rules ours would be a lawless society. From the proposal to the lobbying, to final approval and implementation they can make us or break us.Our Congress has to think on its feet and try to get it right. And it is true most of this is done in private away the scrutiny of the public. But I do t believe this privacy will lead to an inefficiency. Just as. not every Whitehouse controversy leads to Watergate ...A.worse case scenario where a Bureaucracy lead to an abuse of power. We've only had one Richard Nixon. I believe we xan fix the things in our system that are wrong , the very same way oir founder fathers of the counstitutio

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