Summary: Theft In The Workplace

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The definition of theft, as explained by Merriam-Webster is, “the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it, and an unlawful taking (as by embezzlement or burglary) of property.” Therefore, theft can be observed as being both morally (by deception) and legally a crime, both inside and out of the workplace. However, is providing a superior or larger discount to a customer through means of your position, in exchange for an undisclosed monetary bonus on the side, the same case? This is a scenario that I have experienced first hand in the organization I am currently employed with. One of my superiors was conducting business operations through his position, as a manager, in this way, eventually …show more content…

Act as a whistleblower and lose Justin’s trust and friendship while acting in the greater sense for the organization, or 2. Be Justin’s friend, and remain quiet out of respect for Justin, be able to level with him for why he is conducting business this way, and participate in the deceit of the organization. To begin, lets analyze the ‘moral' side of the decision, use your voice, and act as a whistleblower. The concept of ethical reasoning should first be noted as a procedure wherein people form and justify ethical judgments. This process of ethical reasoning, paired with the ideology of utilitarianism, where one acts in the greater good of the higher amount of positive outcomes, would tend to nudge the informed colleague to act as a whistleblower, and not remain quiet. Further, conducting the act of a whistleblower isn’t an easy choice in terms of potential social consequences, however, there are laws in place to protect whistleblowers and other employees from discrimination. For instance, take the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, wherein there are four fundamental freedoms: 1. Conscience and religion, 2. Thought, belief, opinion, and expression, 3. Peaceful assembly, and 4. Association. Apart from this, these colleagues are employed at Mercedes-Benz Winnipeg, and should be loyal to the company, and not to Justin, as the code of conduct of the organization and job description specifies. In terms of morals, informing the organization of Justin’s theft is the appropriate manner to conduct. If you do not do this, are informed of his actions, and he is caught, you could be held liable along with Justin for association. In summary then, informing the organization would be the correct choice in the ethical dilemma in a sense of loyalty to Mercedes-Benz Winnipeg, as well as ensuring you will not be caught in the crosshairs of fire when Justin’s actions