Buzzfeed Quiz Analysis

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This Buzzfeed quiz tests how well people remember ‘90s magazine covers. Buzzfeed shows an image of a magazine cover from the 90s and asks the quiz taker what year it is from. Unfortunately, if I were graded on this quiz, I would have got an F; I got 6 out of 15 correct. Although for only being born in 96, that seems fair. But what about those people who were grew in the ‘90s? They would have to do better than me, right? If their long-term memory captured these magazine covers, that is. Long-term memory is the thing being tested in this quiz. Long-term memory is the last component of the Modal Model. It is the permanent storage of all of our knowledge and all of our memories. In order for information to be recalled from long-term memory, which is necessary for this quiz, it must be encoded into the long-term memory by going through the working memory. There must be meaning added to the information in order to create pathways to be easier to recall later on. …show more content…

There would have been no meaning attached to the date so it will be harder to recall when taking a Buzzfeed