
Byzantine And Roman Art Essay

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Through our history, mankind has expressed his thoughts and feelings through works of art. Often he has used these art works, whether paintings or sculptures, carvings or architectural feats, as a means worship. Religion has always played a key role in the development of civilization; likewise, the development of art as a means of worship has also played a important role. Though they have stark differences in their religions, the Romans and Byzantines both used art as a tool for worship by constructing temples, such as the Pantheon and Haggia Sophia, creating reliefs and ornamentation to communicate their beliefs, and demonstraing the power of religion. In the early second century, the Romans constructed the Pantheon (Fig. 3 & 4). According to the Latin inscripton across the top, it was built by Marcus Agrippa, advisor to Augustus Caesar. This temple was built to honor the Roman gods: Mars, Venus, and Julius Caesar, who was thought to be divine. The main section of …show more content…

1 & 2). By having more than two minarets, the power of the Ottomans was shown because normally only royals more than two. The Ottomans also added large discs enscribed with the name of Allah, the Islamic god, in the interior of the building. The exterior of the Haggia Sophia was once squared base but was convereted into a dome, similar the that of the Pantheon. Also, the Haggia Sophia is much larger in size than the Pantheon. The interior of the building is heavily ornamented with mosaics making the open layout appear more vast. There is no oculus at the center of the roof as in the Pantheon; windows let in the sunlight instead. With the conversions made by the Ottomans, the strength and wealth of their empire is displayed. The Haggia Sophia, like the Pantheon, serves as both a political and religious

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