CIA V. Richard Taus: Case Study

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Another case to futher prove that the CIA which claims to be a protector for the United States’s citizens are using methods to prove innoncence against corruption is the case CIA v. Richard Taus. Richard Taus, a FBI Special Agent and U.S. Army Lt. Colonel who know suffers fallacious sexual assault charges and is spending up to 90 years in prison after exposing criminal activity within the Central Intelligence Agency and the White House during the 1980. One of Richard’s first experiences were while in vitenam when Air America (CIA front operation plane) crashed in a jungle, initally it was employed as a troop transport but was a cover for its illegal drug running operations. When Taus came to the aid of the unharmed Air America pilots and offered …show more content…

Continuing his duties when Taus was required to biannually sign a written statement to the House and Senate Intelligence Oversight Committees stating that he as an agent knew of no unreported criminal activities or operations, he had refused several times causing controversyof retribution against him by his superiors - some of whom were involved in illegal activities of their own. The CIA had violated Mr. Taus Human Right according to article 19 “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” (Universal Delecration Of Human Rights, article 19). Due to the intense pressure he had to “to destroy my written reports, terminate my informants and make no reference to these criminal and subversive activities implicating high ranking government officials who controlled and manipulated government agencies and operations.” said Richard (David Deschesne,

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